I made an application for windows that can generate 2FA codes for Steam. Available on github:
MiniSteamAuthenticator accepts Base32 encoded Steam shared secret as used in Aegis or andOTP. You can use steamctl
to generate the shared secret. https://github.com/ValvePython/steamctl
Install steamctl
pip install steamctl
Generate an authentication token using steamctl
steamctl authenticator add
Export saved authentication token as a QR code
steamctl authenticator qrcode YOUR_USERNAME
Scan the QR code with an external application. It will be formatted like this:
Copy the secret value and add it to the configuration .ini file.
Dear Metinum
Sir, could you please send me the recovery dump? KT wireless
I am using it as a custom, but whenever I restore it, the
NAND position seems to be twisted ;;
I think I’ll have to cover it with the original dump and install the Kerperm from the beginning.
KT wireless
존엄님 혹시 복구덤프를 보내주실수있나요?
커스텀 으로 잘 사용하고 있는데 복구할때마다
낸드 위치가 꼬이는거 같아여 ;;;;
오리지널 덤프로 덮고 처음부터 커펌을 설치해야 할거 같아서요
메일로 보내드렸습니다.
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